Beware where you get your information on coronavirus

by : Dr Singh in Healthcare News & Updates at 3/30/2020 6:10:24 PM

The news of the fatal virus that appeared in the city of Wuhan, China in December of 2019 is all pervasive today. The deadly virus is named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease caused by this virus is called COVID-19.

Now the question arises, where should you look for the latest and reliable information on this virus and the current circumstances? It is very convenient to turn to the world wide web. There is no denying that you can gather a lot of latest, useful and reliable information on the web. But there are also chances that you stumble upon a lot of misinformation. The trick is to differentiate which is which.

Off-course you need to be updated on coronavirus for various reasons

There is no doubt that the apprehensions related to this virus are well-deserved. Like the information on this virus, the virus is also very pervasive and spreading like a wildfire. In all probability and unfortunately, the situation is likely worsen as all the efforts to curtail its spread have failed so far. As such, it becomes more important to find reliable information for various reasons including protecting yourself.

Beware: Misinformation and fake news are overwhelming

Along with the rapid spread of this virus called COVID-19, various conspiracy theories and baseless claims are also spreading. A number of fake and misleading posts are surfacing on social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms on daily basis. These platforms are striving hard to fact-check and curtail this phenomenon, but it’s almost impossible to identify and curtail them all. This becomes even more difficult when it comes to private social media groups and platforms like WhatsApp.

Authentic online sources of information on novel coronavirus COVID-19

Although you cannot claim that a particular platform is perfect, you can always identify a better source out of them all! To do this, you should look for sites that:

? rely on experts who in turn rely on scientific analysis
? are duty bound to educate and protect the masses, such as the government authorities and the WHO
? vested interest in promoting or directly selling product related to the provided information. falls in the first category and it has content uploaded by experts in the form of presentations, notes/documents, blogs/articles and infographics.

The conclusion

When dealing with such a formidable enemy like novel coronavirus COVID-19 about which we are yet to know a lot, it’s crucial to look for reliable information. Question suspicious conspiracy theories. To deal with coronavirus successfully, we need reliable and frequently updated information.

In the midst of the spread of coronavirus global pandemic, has come up with some useful free resources for medics who are in the forefront fighting this disease.

For more on the novel coronavirus COVID-19, please see’s Coronavirus Resource Center.


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Dr. Singh is the Editor-in-Chief in Follow him on social sites :

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